Online Exam List

Health Ins Overview (Mass course #6000175275, 25 credits)

General overview of how well the US health insurance system operates.

Four Ethical Principles by Gary Fradin (Conn course #6000169302, 8 LRE credits)

Three Ethical Principles (RI course #6000145480, 8 ethics credits)


Health Ins Risks and Reforms (RI course #6000145464, 18 credits)

Intro to Commercial Health Ins (Conn course #6000168101, 16 credits)

History of US commercial health insurance and discussion of evolution and implications of the Split between healthcare providers and healthcare financiers.

Ethical Insurance Advising I (Mass course #6000157817, 3 ethics credits)

This course discusses some ethical issues related to commercial health insurance. Students will complete an Attestation of Personal Responsibility at the end of the exam that they took the exam on a closed book fashion without any outside assistance.

Ethical Issues II (NH course #6000138684, 3 ethics credits)

Two Ethical Principles (Mass course #C19400, 8 ethics credits)

Healthcare Reform Since 2003 (Mass course #C22758, 39 credits)

Mistreated by Richard Pearl (Mass course #C93761, 16 credits)

Mistreated by Dr. Richard Pearl, Mass course #C93761, 16 credits. Dr. Pearl, CEO of the Permanente Medical Group, shows how our currently disorganized healthcare system and inappropriate incentives lead to higher costs and poorer quality care than we would like.  Among Dr. Pearl’s astonishing insights: it takes an average of 17 years for a new, proven treatment to become widely accepted among physicians.

The Trillion Dollar Revolution by Ezekiel Emanuel and Abbe Gluck (Mass course #C11381)

Know Your Chances by Steven Woloshin, Mass course #C99094, 5 credits

Ethical Issues II (Mass course #6000136953, 3 ethics credits)


Should I Be Tested for Cancer? by H. Gilbert Welch (Mass course #C08840, 10 credits)

Beyond Deductibles (Mass course #C92891, 3 credits)

Health Ins Risks and Reforms (NH course #6000137080, 21 credits)

Understanding Health Insurance #75321, 14 credits-NH

Health Insurance Broker Disclosure Ethics 1 #484832-NH

NH- Health Insurance Broker Ethics I #60000075221, 6 ethics credits

NH- Fundamental Health Insurance Problems and Solutions #60000075250, 10 credits

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